Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks is a e-book platform for Android devices. Here, you'll find an extensive literary catalog of e-books and audiobooks. Some of these are free, but if you want to enjoy the entire catalog on Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks, you must subscribe.
Read the latest bestsellers
The Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks catalog comprises stories and non-fiction books. You can enjoy all your favorite genres, such as romance, historical literature, or fantasy, and you can also read or listen any time you like to the latest news and most popular books on, for example, Booktok, the literary community of TikTok. Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks also offers stories in audiobook format, so you can listen to any novel you like while jogging or doing household chores. Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks also includes podcasts focused on different literary topics.
Subscribe to enjoy all the books on offer
To use Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks freely, as mentioned above, you must subscribe. Doing this will allow you to access the app's catalog without any reading limits you might find on other platforms— that is, you won't have to pay more to read more. If you want to try the app itself first anyway, some of the books on Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks are available for free.
Enjoy comfortable reading
Reading on Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks is very easy and comfortable since several options allow you to adjust the size and font, for example. Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks is also a cross-platform app, so you can start reading on your tablet and then continue on your smartphone. The same is true if you're listening to an audiobook— your activity won't stay on just a single device.
Enjoy reading like never before. Download the Bookmate. Books & Audiobooks APK here.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
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